Those of you who knew me in my previous life as an Art/Graphics Teacher will know that I was Rock Eisteddfod mad! Loved performing in them as a student and loved being involved as a teacher. This was the first "Rocka" my old school had staged since I left to have my family and I was itching to get back and see it.....and I certainly wasn't disappointed (although slightly gutted that they had cut up some of the costumes I had so painstakingly silk painted a few years back!!). The show was a credit to the student leaders, student choreographers, dancers, backstage crew and all adults (both teaching and parent/guardians) involved. You will ROCK on Friday night at the heats and I have my fingers crossed for you all to make it to finals! I also couldn't resist taking my camera along and snapping away as I didn't used to have the time. Here's a sneak at a few pics and I'll forward the rest along to the school ASAP, where I hope the money you raise by selling discs will help out a little towards your expenses. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for a great show.....just wish I could be part of it all again. Tam xx

WOW tam these are amazing !!!
Awesome photos!
I'm a member of another Rocka team, and let me say, these guys did AMAZINGLY!
I loved all of it, especially those 5 rabbits that did that awesome dance!
I hope they go really well in the finals!
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