An Alice in Wonderland inspired shoot was something I've been wanting to do for a while now. I'd even been gathering ideas and squirreling them away on my Pinterest board 'Wonderland,' in the hope I would get the time when Georgia was older. So, when Kate saw my earlier post "Into the woods," and messaged me asking for an Alice shoot for her family I was ecstatic, to say the least! I've photographed Kate's family before and having known her for quite some time I knew that she would pull out all the stops with any props I asked her for, and I wasn't disappointed! I asked her to bring some cakes and lollies....she bought enough to feed a school full of children, plus the most amazing 'eat me,' macaroons. I'd mentioned in passing that a rabbit would be so she bought one as a new family pet! She was christened 'Alice!' We gathered teacups and teapots, watches and gloves, roses and paint and I even managed to dig out my copy of Alice in Wonderland that I received for my fourth birthday....and then set the kids loose on it! They had a ball and so did we! Thanks also to my sister for letting us work in her beautiful garden. I truly hope you enjoy this one as much as I did. 

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